1. 请病假
Morning, I am not feeling well since last night. I would therefore request you to please grant me sick leave. Thank you!
(早晨!昨晚开始有点不舒服。 请允许我休病假。 谢谢!)
Morning, I am suffering from fever since last night, so I am not able to come to office today. Please grant me a leave for one day.
2. 请事假
I wonder if I could have a day off on (date)?
( 请问我可以在(日期)放假一天吗?)
I want to take a week’s leave from (date) to (date) to attend to family matters.
3. 请婚假
I am glad to inform you that my marriage has been fixed for (date). Hence please grant me 8 days leave from (date) to (date).
4. 请丧假
I am writing this letter to inform you that my XXX has passed away yesterday. I would like to formally request that you grant me 3 days of paid leave plus 2 days of unpaid leave to take care of the family arrangements. I will be rejoining work on (date).
Thank you in anticipation.
Kindly approve my leave request.
Grateful if you would approve my leave application.
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