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👩🏻‍💻盘点职场上常见的36个英文缩写!TTYL = Talk to you later

xin-ni yong
17 Feb 2021, 05:25 PM


FYI = For your information 供你参考
ASAP = As soon as possible 尽快
N/A = Not applicable 不适用
c.c. = Carbon copy 副件、副本
BCC = Blind carbon copy 密件副本
Fw/Fwd = Forward 转寄
re. = In regard to / Regarding 关于
p.s. = Post script 备注、后记、后言
pls/plz = Please 请
rgds = Regards 敬上
etc. = et cetera …等等
i.e. / I.E. = Id est(拉丁文) 也就是说、换句话说
rsvp = Repondez s'il vous plait(法文)= please reply 请您回信
e.g. = Exempli gratia(拉丁文) 举例来说
IMO = In my opinion 依我的看法
FAQ = Frequently asked question 常见问题
ETA = Estimated time of arrival 预计到达的时间
ETD = Estimated time of departure 预计出发时间

BTW = By the way 顺带一提
TTYL = Talk to you later 稍后再谈,等等聊
LOL = Laughing out loud 捧腹大笑
JK = Just Kidding 只是开个玩笑
BBS = Be back soon 很快回来、一会回来
TBH = To be honest 老实说
NP = No problem 不谢,没关系
IDK = I don’t know 我不知道
THX = Thanks 谢谢
CU = See you 掰掰
OT = Over time 加班

OOO = Out of office 不在办公室
OTP = On the phone 通话中
TCC/CC = Teleconference call/Conference call 电话会议
WFH = Work from home 在家办公
aka / a.k.a. = Also known as亦称为
IAM = In a meeting 会议中
KPI = Key performance indicators 关键绩效指标


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