travel 来一场Brisbane充电之旅吧! 5大你不能错过的迷人景点 布里斯本(Brisbane),这个拥有灿烂阳光、热带气候及超美自然风景的现代都市,绝对要放进你的Must Go list哦! Editor 01 Mar 2019, 03:02 PM Share Tweet 又到了给自己来个getaway,好好充电一番的旅程啦!说到充电的好去处,怎能错过拥有灿烂阳光的Brisbane!这个拥有灿烂阳光、热带气候及超美自然风景的现代都市,绝对要放进你的Must Go list哦!以下,小编就推荐最受Instagrammer欢迎的5大景点!1. South Bank来到Brisbane,当然要感受布里斯本的艺术文化。South Bank 可以说是布里斯本人文荟萃之地。逛完不容错过的周末市集Collective Markets后,如果你也喜欢看艺术展览或听live show,可以到Gallery of Modern Art和Brisbane最大型的街头音乐活动— City Sounds。来到黄昏时刻,不妨乘坐当地最有特色的交通工具CityCat,在 Brisbane River 上,吹着微风、把一幕幕河上的风景都尽收眼底。 #collectivemarketssouthbank 🎪 The ONLY 3 day weekend market in Brisbane 🎪 Friday 5pm to 9pm 🎪 Saturday 10am to 9pm 🎪 Sunday 9am to 4pm #southbankmarkets #thingstodoinbrisbane #brisbaneanyday #bne #brisbanecity #justqueensland #findthingsyoulove #southbankmarkets #visitbrisbane #visitsouthbank #brisbanefashion #handmadejewellery #originalartworks #homewares #henna #icedtea #livemusic #churros #toys #games #crystals #dreamcatchers #puzzles #essentialoils #soycandles #designers #makers #artsandcrafts @supatchaflowersA post shared by The Collective Markets (@collectivemarkets) on Jan 27, 2018 at 1:55pm PST Plenty on @ South Bank this weekend #regram @visitsouthbank 📷 @gramaphone_kA post shared by The Collective Markets (@collectivemarkets) on Apr 12, 2018 at 2:59pm PDT2. Winn Lane想要体验Brisbane当地人的道地生活?那怎么能错过他们最爱之一的Winn Lane。这里有着神奇的小酒吧,书店,首饰店,和小餐厅,尤其还有几家特色汉堡店。 The @bsafest is nearly here. Checkout the event timetable, locations & artists on my blog👉🏼tap the link in my profile for all the details. #ladybrisbane #brisbane #brisbanestreetart #bsafestival #visitbrisbane #viewsofbrisbane #streetart #thisisqueensland #seeaustralia #winnlane #fortitudevalley #thevalleyA post shared by Brisbane✨sights✨events✨vintage (@lady_brisbane) on Mar 17, 2018 at 6:06pm PDT [BEN THE BURGERMAN] You will not be disappointed with creations from @bens_burgers! Cheesey perfection with the best burgers (add the candied bacon), milkshakes that bring all the girls and boys to the lane, and tasty fries... yes please! Order in or get Uber Eats to deliver; either way, you're getting a whopper of a meal! _______________________________________________________ #bensburgers #fortitudevalley #brisbaneburgers #bestburgers #burgers #thegoodlife #thegoodguide #thelocalhunter #hunted #brisbane #brisbanefoodie #brisbanelife #visitqld #lovethiscity #localloveA post shared by The Good Guide | SE Qld (@thegoodguide) on Apr 3, 2018 at 9:25pm PDT3. Story Bridge想要360度欣赏Brisbane壮观的全景?来攀登Story Bridge就对了!这里适合任何年龄和体力的游客。布里斯本及周边全景,必定让你为之震撼!这是世界上仅有3座大桥攀登项目之一。不论是黎明,日间,黄昏或夜晚,你可在不同时间感受不同的Brisbane! Loving this Friday sunshine ☀️ Thanks @koskphotography for this mighty #storybridge #viewsofbrisbane 👍🏼 #brisbane #friday #friyay #sunshine #brisbaneriver #rivercity #bluesky #lovethiscityA post shared by Brisbane City Council (@brisbanecitycouncil) on Mar 15, 2018 at 9:43pm PDT Let's take a ride on this journey we call life😍 Thanks to 📷@suewhit for always sharing. We love seeing your moments through #discoverbrisbane so share it with us. For those of you who have resided long enough in Brisbane, you'll know that the iconic Story Bridge always lights up in different colours depending on the occasion. What colour on Story Bridge is your all - time fave ?A post shared by Brisbane Food-Places-Lifestyle (@discoverbrisbane) on May 15, 2018 at 4:04am PDT4. Eat Street Northshore充满街头风特色的Eat Street Northshore (星期五至日),是当地其中一个最大型的美食市集,超过70个来自不同国家的料理,马来西亚美食也包括其中!整个市集由色彩鲜艳的货柜、霓虹灯装饰着,在市集的角落也有一些小舞台,会有爵士乐团表演、也会有一些现场的娱乐活动。 Can I just say wow. And jeepers. And blimey. What a place! The shipping-container-constructed @eatstreet markets Northshore hosts cuisines from, what must be close to, every country in the world. Burritos from Mexico. Loukoumades from Greece. Cannolis from Italy. Paella from Spain. Crepes from France. How about some Seoul food, eh? I had to be rolled onto the ferry home.A post shared by Josh West (@trekkingwest) on Jul 20, 2017 at 5:30am PDT [ EAT STREET NORTHSHORE ] One of my favorite night market ever. Food, decoration, entertainments, everything is made to welcome families and group of friends every weekend. Highly recommend to visit if you are around Brisbane ! By the way, best donuts ever! 😋🍴🇦🇺 這個夜市在布里斯班。我很喜歡!吃得,裝飾,娛樂,都做得非常好。只有週末才開。如果你們在布里斯班附近我真的建議去看看! - @visitbrisbane @queensland - #travel #australia #brisbane #queensland #nightmarket #eatstreetnorthshore #foodieA post shared by Fabio Grangeon 法比歐 (@fabiograngeon) on May 5, 2018 at 10:07am PDT5. Moreton Island在Brisbane周边,其实有各种大大小小的岛屿,而摩顿岛(Moreton Island)更是许多观光客都不会错过的一个!摩顿岛是世界第三大的沙岛,除了欣赏美丽的岛屿风景之外,在岛上必做的3件事,手喂野生海豚(hand feed wild dolphin)、浮潜(Snorkelling)、冲沙(Sand boarding)! A great snap of @rogerfederer enjoying our wild dolphin feeding experience last night. Photo courtesy of @queenslandA post shared by Tangalooma Island Resort (@tangaloomaislandresort) on Jan 6, 2015 at 7:15pm PST 🇦🇺Australia - Moreton Island 澳洲 - 摩頓島 摩頓島除了海豚、浮潛之外還有一項重要的活動就是「滑沙」Sand boarding 摩頓島被熱帶植物環繞 山崖丘陵起伏跌宕。 山崖深處有一片沙漠 由於是沙島的緣故 島上交通很不方便 要到達沙漠只能搭乘車輪較巨大的巴士 沿途高低起伏 加上司機奔騰的車速 沿路上是驚呼連連~ 驚呼聲很快的被眼前的景色轉為驚嘆聲 沙漠映入眼底 教練講解完之後一人發一片板子 開始努力的往上爬 這真的不是在開玩笑 很累呀~~ 排著隊 預備好姿勢 衝~~~臉上 鼻孔充滿著沙子 但是好過癮啊!!! 滑了兩次 也沒力氣在爬 大家就拿著板子開始拍照 各種姿勢 角度 無所不拍~ 玩到時間差不多了 大家也開始整理 準備搭著巴士返回摩頓島市區~ #amanda髮型x旅行 #australia #moretonisland #sandboarding #澳洲 #摩頓島 #滑沙A post shared by Amanda 髮型X旅行 (@hi_im_amanda_hi) on May 14, 2018 at 10:19pm PDT哇,看了以上5大必去的景点后,大家是不是和小编一样超想立马就飞到Brisbane呢?马航从吉隆坡直飞Brisbane的航班,由拥有290个位子的A330-300空中巴士,每周提供4次直飞服务,分别是星期一、星期三、星期四及星期六。欲购买飞往Brisbane的飞机票?即日起浏览马航官网 Malaysia Airlines 查询吧,机票价格从RM2329起。 Share Tweet Filled Under : *本网站有权删除任何具有性别歧视、人身攻击、庸俗、诋毁或种族主义性质的留言。